Californians for Safety and Justice and Alliance for Safety and Justice, projects of the Tides Center, work with people from all walks of life to replace prison and justice system waste with common sense solutions that create safe neighborhoods and save public dollars. Through policy advocacy, public education, partnerships, and support for local best practices, we promote effective criminal justice strategies to stop the cycle of crime and build healthy communities.

In addition to our national network of over 40,000 crime survivors, we are bringing together business and community leaders, policymakers, law enforcement, health professionals, educators, and crime-prevention experts to replace costly, old ways of doing business with new justice priorities that improve public safety without draining resources from our schools, hospitals and other community needs.  

The Blueprint for Shared Safety is the product of more than a year of research and outreach to dozens of stakeholders and practitioners. By shifting the focus from over-incarceration to investments that will truly make our communities safer, they are re-envisioning the field of public safety.